Monday, August 4, 2014

Bulk Chx

Since we were a bit out of it following our LASEK, I didn't really do much cooking. On Sunday though, I bought enough vegetables  for 12 people and some boneless skinless chicken breasts. I wanted to prepare a bunch of food that was easy to prepare for later. I got a bit carried away.

I cut up the chicken frozen and marinaded it in my special sauce*.

(*soy, sesame oil, korean cooking wine, black pepper, a little water, red pepper powder, and garlic. Red pepper paste makes a thicker sauce but usually is pretty salty when mixed with  soy sauce.)

The chicken was 'aight. I blame the frozenness.

Veggies: red and yellow mild chilis, broccoli, korean green onions, and celery.  No garlic.  The garlic in our fridge was old and completely devoid of taste, so we trashed it.

I quickly realized I had too many veggies and not enough sauce. So I compromised.

Most of then went with the chicken. The others I steamed with salt and topped with "pizza cheese". 

Results: the chicken and veggies were decent for bulk food but nothing to write about (well, you know what I mean.)

The veggies and cheese were terrible. The "cheese" I bought was the worst thing ever. It tasted like nothing and melted into rubbery bland oblivion.

That's what I get for trying to eat cheese in front of my dairy allergic wife! 

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